Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Today was a good day

A really REALLY good day.
Determined to start working out today because I am eating so much. Everyday someone is bringing food into work, I swear these people make up holidays so they can bring in food. We celebrate everything and there is constantly food-- chocolate, strawberries, cherries, cake, coffee, tea, champagne-- honestly these people just seem so happy just being alive. I guess that's what happens when you work at a Hospice.
So running. I woke up early to get a quick run in, despite a restless night of sleep (...it took a lot of determination to not shut off my alarm this morning).
Coach would be so proud, I braved the treacherous streets of Chisinau at wee early hours of this rather warm morning. I ran so fast, dodging ragged gipsy children and sprinting from ravenous stray dogs that foamed from the mouth. It was really quite a feat I must say.

Only joking.

So after my lovely run, I sat through yet another very quiet breakfast with Francesca. (Our conversations consist mostly of " How are you " "This is really good cereal!!" "THANK YOU SO MUCH" ect.

Then I had an amazing day at work. The people I work with really are good people. We are a young and diverse office. Thomas from Belgium, Judith from Spain, Rauluca from Romania, and then Christina, Ana, and Ana all from Moldova.
I am starting to find real purpose in my work. I feel much more useful being able to renovate the website, proofread any English, and brainstorm new ideas.

Then today Ana and myself went to lunch with our Raluca, who was really craving the Russian soup Bors. While sipping wine and soup, the three of us decided that we would go to Italy. Raluca was so amazed how I really had not traveled at all yet in my life, and that I absolutely need to go someplace that I really want to see.

For me that was Venice.

So details are still quite hazy, but next Thursday we hope to be leaving behind Moldova for the canals of Venice. To have this opportunity to be in Moldova has been tremendous, but to travel even more is so amazing. I can hardly contain my excitement.

So then Raluca, decided, ehh why go back to work lets have more wine. So our lunch break turned in to a whole evening, and I really got to know my boss so much better. What amazed me, hearing about her growing up behind an ammunition factory in Romanian and the unrest of the Balkans, was that we come from such different backgrounds, yet here we are in the very same place sharing what I consider to be a very amazing cross cultural experience.

The day just gets better and better.
I was then invited to go with Mikayla, and her host family and absolutely hilarious host sisters (Inga and Ana-Maria ) to their countryside house that lies about thirty minutes outside of Chisinau. Their home is absolutely amazing, the perfect country house with amazing gardens and abundantly cherry trees. We had an amazing dinner with vegetables from the garden and fresh cherries too! Like this would be my dad's ideal living situations. It really is beautiful here.

So dinner has been amazing, I was about to get a peak of Moldova's pretty countryside and enjoy the company of Mikayla and her lighthearted and very generous host family.

The only way I can describe feeling is light. After a rocky few days things are definitely falling into place more and more.

Here are some pictures of us being Moldovan flower children. Inga was a fantastic photographer. (She also claims that she follows my blog)

Mikayla, Inga, Me, and Ana-Maria 

 Mikayla and her host mom! Mikayla's parents have somewhat adopted me and I am so grateful for their hospitality. 

 Lehigh's newest world travelers. 

 It really was such a nice break from the city scene.  

I have never eaten so many cherries. Moldova has so many cherries they don't know what to do with all of them. 

Ayy we love Moldova. 

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