Thursday, June 11, 2015

I just keep eating... and fending off the gypsies

I know I really can't complain, but there's just always food! This has definitely been a test of self control in which I am miserably failing. Today (at about 10 am) someone in the office came around passing out ice cream cones, how could I say no.

And then later in the afternoon, I was once again offered ice cream...
and naturally I accepted because only really crazy people turn down free ice cream.

My thoughts are a bit scattered right now so uhh let's do this:
Some other things you might care to know (and somethings you probably could care less about)
1. New adventures! Ayyyy bought my ticket to Venice! No turning back now!
2. Stray Dogs! Okay so I definitely mentioned the stray dogs before, but when you are envisioning Moldova's stray dogs they sometimes come in small packs of these ragged bigger dogs, but sometimes it's like your casual stray Dachshund (those silly weiner dogs) or terrier.. which I think is hilarious.
3. Sports! Organized sports don't seem like a big thing here. Even going for a run, I am one of few out exercising. I know there are like a few gyms, but i'm now realizing the ability to exercise a luxury of sorts (never thought I would say that...)
4. My Feet! I need new shoes. I walk around so much here. Today I looked at my feet, which now are so torn up, and I realized that coming to and from work, lunch, meeting friends, ect has really paid a toll on my feet. So many blisters.
5. And some personal development? Before leaving for Moldova, I remember talking to my mom about being more introverted. I never really minded doing my own thing and never feel the need to seek out big groups of people. It's not like I don't have friends (which seems like a really sad thing to say) but I just sometimes prefer my own company. BUT, after living almost two weeks with Francesca in this very silent flat, I now feel myself becoming so needy for people. At work I love chatting with my coworkers, especially Ana, she is really funny. But at the end of the day when I come back to here, to all the silence, I find myself itching to get out, to talk to anyone who will speak English to me! Today I went for a run and considered getting lost just to ask strangers for directions... that's when you know you're desperate. I guess I enjoy the social interactions that come from coexisting. I loved having a roommate (Shout out to Meg if you're reading this) and I loved living at home with ten other people (most of the time ...) (just kidding) (actually sometimes it's a lot, but way better than the silence). So that was long and now you, whoever you are reading this silly blog, think I'm very lonely and depressed, but I reassure you I am very okay and am really lucky to have made new American friends here and now I can do other things like read and sketch (and update my blog of course)

Also I think I'm starting a new segment of my blog titled
"Things we were told about Moldova that couldn't be farther from true"

Today, I will quote one of my favorite segments of the Moldova handbook that I was required to read before coming. Here we go.

"Be wary of groups of Gypsy children and teenagers, who are known to surround pedestrians in order to steal money or mobile phones from pedestrians’ bags. If you can avoid them by going into a store or in the other direction, do so. If you cannot avoid them and they surround you, immediately be very aggressive in your defense. Shout and swing purses, backpacks, or umbrellas to keep them away, as they have been known to bite and stick victims with pins and needles."

HA Good one Moldova Handbook, you almost had me there! Literally, I am not even sure if I've seen a gypsy, I think they are basically the homeless people that sort of wander and ask for money or try to sell you things. Anyway! No group of small children has attacked me with pins and needles and I haven't had to fend any of them off with my purse or umbrella. Yeah, not a thing.. like whatsoever.

So I think that's all for today. This time next week I'll be in Italy eek!

I love yellow. I think yellow houses are just the greatest thing. Good job Moldova, two point for you.

CHECK OUT MOLDOVA'S SICK WILD LIFE. Ayy another two point for you Moldova!

Here is the park I run in! 

My favorite girlies came the Fundraising event for the company I am interning with! So #blessed 

And then Karina totally had a mom moment and made me take an awkward solo shot while I was trying to do my job. So here is me being awkward at the check in table. 

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