Saturday, June 6, 2015

The Language Barrier pt. 2

Ay what a mess the language barrier has become.
It seems that I may have definitely bit off more than I can chew. I won't share the entire story for it is long and confusing and rather boring, but in a nutshell one issue that came up last night was that I had been driving Francesca crazy all week by wearing my shoes in the house and taking them off in my room. So, it is Moldovan custom to not wear shoes in the house, which I was aware of, but I didn't realize that even just sitting on my bed to take them off was a violate of this tradition. So in this way (and in others) I have completely disrespected Francesca unknowingly and now I feel absolutely awful about it. What a mess. I have tried to make amends, but this too is rather difficult for my English is so alien to her. Just another bump in the road right? Life's full of challenges and learning and making mistakes yada yada, but it's hard not to feel awful about the situation. But, moving forward and keeping positive.
Today I went to a barbecue for work which was super fun because I am an adult here and can do cool adult things like drink beer with other adults. (sorry mom and dad) So Chisinau is cool in that sense. Yay adulthood and work functions.

Also, I don't have any really good photos for today.. sorry to disappoint
Definitely more tomorrow!
Moldova has some of the best fruit and vegetables I've ever tasted. Granted, they don't have avocados (my mom told me this at least a hundred times before leaving.. and had avocados at dinner ever night before I left to really hit the point home) BUT the strawberries, cherries, tomatoes, and cucumbers are abundant, cheep, and so so good. I'm pretty sure I've had them at every meal here. 

My Lehigh girls as well as our new friend Laura, a fellow American, Laura (Literally I want to start a U-S-A chant every time I meet another American). Laura's parents work at the U.S. embassy, so she is staying here for the summer and working there as well. 

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