Monday, June 29, 2015

On the struggle bus... literally

Thomas told me this great joke at work the other day... goes something like this..
"How many people can you fit on a trolly bus in Chisinau?" 
the answer..
"One more"

This couldn't be more accurate. Like people just KEEP GETTING ON!
Today was another crammed bus ride and I just don't understand the logic, there's always another bus within a 2-5 minute window! 

Alas, Moldovans don't really see this logic and would rather pack in until you literally can't breathe or move or get off or do anything. 

So I got off the struggle bus this morning only to arrive at the struggle bus that is work. I am just so completely unhelpful somedays. The lack of jobs for me to do really agitates me somedays. As much as I try to busy myself, I really miss meaningful work.
Today there was a glimpse of hope when Thomas asked if I could do drawing/tracing/design work in Adobe Illustrator. Of course I responded with an overenthusiastic yes. They were planning on redesigning the donation boxes and I was more than thrilled to help. Because Hospice Angelus is part of a network with three other Hospices under the larger UK network "Hospice of Hope", Thomas said we would be working with their design coordinator. I was so hype.
But that quickly came crashing down when they decided they didn't actually need these new pictures for the donation boxes. I guess I could say I was more than a little disappointed.

But life goes on, not working really isn't the end of the world.

I wasn't the only one on the struggle bus yesterday, so was Moldova's government--and has been for the past month or so. I really have never been one for politics though I do have my views and vote (because I went to an all-girls school, I was made very aware that I should vote because women's rights and such... Shout out to Mrs. McGrorty(Derstine), who made history fun, empowering, and eye opening) but here I love following the politics because the government is such a mess. This one guy who just won a small election and is now in office not because he is qualified, but because he was a singer on Moldova's Got Talent or something like that. Oh Moldova, aspiring celebrities are probably not the best for public office. Then again the U.S. really doesn't have much room to talk.

Some Other ways Moldova is on the struggle bus:
The wind.
Sometimes it is so windy here. Like random giant gust of wind that will pick up tables and umbrellas and throw them everywhere! It is also a pretty dusty place though they are constantly sweeping the sidewalks, so the wind is always getting stuff in my eyes which is no fun. Also wearing a dress in the wind is no fun... too many Marilyn Monroe incidents for my liking.
The sidewalks.
Honestly any paved surface is seriously struggling. I ran on a somewhat paved track/path thing this morning that was somewhat crumbling. It was around 5:30 this morning so fear of twisting an ankle definitely woke me up fast.

Thing That are not on the struggle bus and absolutely Brilliant.. two points for you Moldova.
Ice Cream
Not only is it some of the best ice-cream I've ever had --and anyone who actually knows me knows I'm an ice cream fiend, but it is some of the best packaged ice-cream. It comes in this long tub and you just cut it! Like no scooping or waiting for it to thaw! Unreal. How come we didn't think of that. Or why haven't we tried to steal this! As someone studying engineering and design, I can really appreciate a good package.

Kudos Moldova, even on a tough day you always end on a sweet note.

There using caring to hold this dilapidated building together. The run entirely around the whole structure that appears to be filled in with cement bricks. They don't really knock the buildings down here, but try to keep them around for historic reasons, which is definitely cool, but also looks really funny. I've never seen something held together like this.

The pictures really don't do it justice. 

All filled in.

Making jam with all the cherries! @Bert you would be totally into this, I always loved when we made raspberry jam.

YAS all the sugar. 

So good. I couldn't stop stealing cherries from the pot.

Goodnight Chisinau (Noapte Buna)

Really just slaying. 

Can't stop, won't stop
(making jam)

Or eating all the ice-cream (feat. Ana-Maria) 
She's the silliest. @Pax I think you two should date so I can have Moldovan inlaws. 

Sunday, June 28, 2015

What day is it and why are there so many cats

Another adventurous weekend in the books, where do I even begin.
SO Saturday I was up and out of the house before seven because we had a fundraising event "Fashion for Action". Basically nice donated clothes were sold and there were make up and henna artist and well as people selling jewelry, and then all proceeds went to the Hospice. The event was not as successful as last year, which was pretty disappointing, but we all got to drink during the event which was good. I guess working on a Saturday justifies drinking on the job. Then again maybe not.
Then again the Moldovans couldn't give two shits.
SO that was fun and exhausting, but I really like my coworkers and spending my Saturday with them.
After the event we went to Karina's (another Lehigh intern) apartment. Her host family has been away for a week now on vacation, and we planned on going out then all sleeping over there. So we popped bottles and celebrated the weekend because being when one is abroad one absolutely must make the most of it. (Responsibly of course) 
Lauren also came to hang out, and then we all went out to meet up with her Marine friends! It was a super fun night even though there was a slight taxi incident, but we all made it home safe and sound. 
*Side note: Because my boss at work talks with a British accent, I have found myself picking it up on certain words when chatting at the office. This habit of parroting the accent seems to have carried over when ever I drink. One of the Marines asked me if I was British. This habit has to go.

Waking up in Karina's apartment with all my american amigas was so fun. Karina's host family has a psycho cat who doesn't like anyone, but I befriend it anyway. I just really like cats. There are actually cats everywhere in Karina's corner of the city. About close to ten were straight chill'n in the garbage across from the apartment and they're really so cute. It's sad they don't have homes.

We then all went to get a late breakfast at La Placinte (When in doubt eat placinte.. pronounced "Pla-chin-ta. This stuff is the best. It's a flakey dough with different things inside, usually potato or cheese) Placinte was definitely a good choice after a night out if ya know what I mean, it just really hit the spot. 
Next we were off to the outside market, where there are different vendors selling handmade Moldovan things and painting. It was pretty neat, basically as touristy as it gets here in Moldova. After the market excursion we hit up Mall-dova to see what shopping would be like here. Things weren't terribly priced, but my coworkers were telling me at our fundraising event how most people just shop online because it's so much cheaper. Shopping was fun though, I almost felt like I was back in the U.S. except that we all had to figure out our European sizes. No wonder everyone's impressions of Americans are that we are fat. Our Smalls were usually European Mediums or Larges.  Most of the people here are just petite. I once commented on this at work, and my coworker Ana said it was because they were all too poor to eat. She was half-joking, half-serious. Then again, I am in the poorest country in Europe. 

All in all it was a busy weekend. Next weekend we hope to go to Cricova- the world's largest natural wine seller. There we will drink all the wine. 
Only joking
(Don't worry mom&dad)

Here is a small collection of this weekend's pictures... they are sort of random, so bare with me here. 


this is how we got people to come to our event. Beer is always a good thing. Then again maybe not.. 

Just your casual abandoned bus. I just find this stuff so intriguing. I wouldn't say this is such a typical site here, but then again no one else walking by seems very shocked by it. 

Cats. Cats everywhere. 

Cheers. Celebrating another successful week in Moldova.

Moldova really isn't so bad guys. 

I mean it's no Philadelphia, 

But, I'm a fan

And the night life isn't so bad!

At least we didn't thin so.

Some Marines! We are always happy to speak to basically anyone in English.

We just love Moldova. 

First Ice Coffee in Moldova. It was definitely hard to come by.

We then to a quick trip to the beautfiul Moldovan beaches.

Only joking, Moldova is a land locked country.


@meg stranick, this one's for you. 

And so is this one. 

No more scary cat pictures! Just Mikayla and I being silly.

And Karina! She is our mom here. I cannot believe she's graduated Lehigh, and will be leaving us.

never the less, I am still so blessed to have met her.

Friday, June 26, 2015

And we back

Okay enough about Italy. I still have a little over a month to get Moldova on the map.
Being back has been surreal, like in my mind when I got on the plane leaving Italy, I thought that I was on the plane home. But, then we landing in Chisinau and I was like, ''Right. Moldova. Here we go.''

Okay, so here we go.

Things that happened that you might care to know about but maybe not:
That first day back I mostly napped and got resettled in. I was extremely grateful that my boss didn't have me come in that day because I was exhausted from only getting three hours of sleep the night before.
Work the next day was uneventful, I think I was still in post-Italy shock from having achieved my life goal of seeing Venice. Wednesday night, us American girls went to a traditional Russian-Romanian restaurant to celebrate Lauren's birthday (American Embassy amigo)! The food was so great, but ordering was tough because even though the menu was in English, we didn't know what any of the dishes were.
Wednesday, Inga and Ana-Maria brought home the biggest crate of raspberries I've ever seen. They were so good. I was a raspberry fiend, I couldn't eat them fast enough. Just reiterating that Moldovan fruits and vegetables blow our tasteless American (or imported) ones out of the park. The fresh produce is reason enough for me to stay in Moldova forever.
Only joking. Don't worry Zach.
I crack myself up.
Anyways! The raspberries were amazing. Then Thursday, the host sisters just had to top the previous day's produce with these super sweet black cherries. I feel like I'm constantly blogging about the food here, but it really is good.
With all this food I've been eating, of course I have to workout!
So I've begun running in the mornings, yesterday waking up at 5:30 for a long jog before work. I think I only saw one other runner out, everyone else gave me pretty funny looks... like ''Who is this weirdo American and why is she running''. My host sisters assured me that running isn't weird, but most people run in the parks or around the lake. Other than running, I am suppose to do body circuits and weights for rowing. Upon telling coach that I most likely wouldn't be able to do this in Moldova because it is just a developing country (though many of you would consider it more of a third world...) Coach told me that it wouldn't be an issue and that I would ''have to work on a creative training plan'' and I ''would be just like Rocky 4 where he uses all sorts of weird things to train in Serbia'' Hahahah, very funny coach. Yeah okay so I'm basically going to be the Moldovan Rocky. I plan to run the stairs of my apartment complex tomorrow. That should be fun.
Other fun things: Today I squished onto a bus that was packed to tightly that the doors kept closing on people, and the bus would begin to drive with the doors still open. Not going to lie, the door closed on me..and them my shoe got stuck in the door, and then I found myself near tumbling out of the rolling death machine that they call trolly buses here. That thing was more crammed that the center pit of a prep mixer (Philly Catholic school reference anyone?) But, in all seriousness, it was nuts, no one could move. Every time one person got off, six more would try (and astoundingly successfully) squeeze aboard. On the bright side I was so completely packed in that I wasn't able to fall every time the bus lurched (which is quite often. These bus drivers definitely value efficiency over comfort.)

Things I miss:
I never thought I would, but I miss summer swimming. Last year I coached, and before then I had swam on a summer team from age five. Summer swimming easily was an integral part of my childhood and not being a part of it is bitter sweet. It was absolutely time for me to grow up and let this part of my life go, but it stung a little hearing that last night was my siblings' first meet of the season. For the record, the Wescotts have always made up a big part of any swim team we've been on... we basically have a kid in each age group and at one point could fill two Wescott relay squads. SO to any of my swimming babes reading this, I was thinking of you all last night and hope you swam hard. Also @ Will Wescott, it's about time you break a pool record, I expect to hear big things when I get home!

That's all for today! It should be a busy weekend, but I'll try to keep up!

Today we had a lavender field adventure. More pictures to come, stay tuned.

love em.

Red Bors. Da. This stuff is amazing, I think I could eat it for weeks. 

So many raspberries. Also I repainted my toes after this picture. Venice tore my feet up. Sorry they look so nasty here...

Karina and I hype for our Russian food.

@ Bert Wescott. Bikes. 


Gay Pride? Maybe they're celebrating legal gay marriage in fifty states?
(but like probably not, Moldova is a whole different world)

Derping around Chisinau. Everyday adventures.

Noroc! (Cheers) To being halfway done! Definitely bitter sweet, but learning to make the most of each day.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Burano gets its own post

Okay, I swear I'll be done talking about Italy after this. Just a few more pictures from my camera!
Glass. Amazing glass everywhere. I just can't contain my excitement.

And of course the pasta. All the pasta. 

Here's that building we trespassed in! Yay illegal things!

Love the little blue house.

Hype for gondolas. 

Doesn't it look like something out of a story book?

This artist could have illustrated that story book.

Hiding out in Burano and never coming home. 

I just love the colors. 


Jumping for joy. 

There were many cats. 


This is art. 

Really, we just couldn't contain ourselves. (not the weird looks we are getting from the locals)