Friday, July 10, 2015

Too hot to handle

...referring to Moldova that is.

It was too hot to function this Thursday.

It all started with the trolly bus ride from hell... literally felt like the fiery depths of hell. The bus was functionally a sauna on wheels, and I watched countless people step off the bus drenched. It didn't help that we were packed so tight, that I had to tip my head all the way back, looking up at the roof for air. I probably looked like a fish out of water gasping for something breathable. It really was awful, and then this older man was trying to get by and kept saying something to me. And of course I was panicking because there was no room to move or breath, and I didn't want to miss my stop. I just kept repeating "No vorbesc Roman" (I don't speak Romanian), but then he was shaking his head and giving me the most disappointed/annoyed looked, like "Who is this stupid American?". It was just awful. I felt so stupid. I hate when i'm incompetent. Then again, aren't we all sometimes?

I stepped of the bus a few pounds lighter, a hell of a lot sweatier, and in need of a iced coffee (but they don't really have that here in Moldova), but ready to take on another work day at Hospice.
We held another round of our "Fashion For Action" clothing drive, and had plenty of boxes to move in the 90+ degree heat. Carrying boxes is always a good time, but carrying them around Hospice is just the funnest! The building is very old and well.. sort of falling apart. The stairs are basically a death trap, so carrying boxes and tables up and down was extremely exciting because if you miss a stair you would fall to your death! Fun right! Only joking, it wasn't so bad at all. I would rather carry boxes than do nothing.

 I'll try not to complain too much, but the heat and humidity of the day was quite draining. I felt as though I was downing so much water to stay hydrated, but still left work feeling lightheaded from the high temperatures.

Ana and I walked to Number1 (the most popular food market here) to buy tomatoes, cucumbers, meat, and bread to make salad and sandwiches for the office. I was so hungry, I thought I would die. They eat their lunch much later than I am used to hear, I also prefer to eat lunch earlier than most. By one or two in the afternoon, I am usually more than ready to eat anything put in front of me. After salad and a coffee (I drink a lot more coffee here... not the best of habits, but at least I haven't picture up smoking... yet ..just kidding... don't worry mom)

Highlight of the day was definitely Raluca treating the hospice team to drinks post work. Raluca for the win. We enjoyed our Chisnau beers, placinte, calamari, and fries as the cold front we had waited for all day rolled in. I felt quite old getting drinks after work with coworkers... like that's the kind of thing young professionals do. Being a young professional seems so cool and fabulous, mostly because it means there's no more classes and labs and exams ... and more drinks after work.

Again, I'll reiterate that I love being legal here, and look forward to being legal at home. Last night I texted people saying that beer helps me think more clearly... this was a post-two-beer-revelation. But I don't know if it's really the beer, but perhaps the entire Moldova experience that helps me think more clearly. It's a really, really big world out there, and I just don't want to miss anything. I love seeing things, another way of life, hearing people's stories --anyone's stories. Raluca, who is sort of an enigma unless she drinks, divulged photos from her first wedding and anna was showing funny pictures from her high school years. I love hear about all of it... halfway around the world and I just really love getting to know these people. It's a really, really big world and not in the physical sense, but in the sense that there are more than seven billion people with their own understanding of this world.

To meet all these people here and to have a glimpse into their different worlds that span much faith than Chisiau, but to their villages, to a soviet era, to very real history, has been eye opening, just as the canals of Venice and streets of Florence were.

Also.. I'm really failing all of you fabulous people who follow my silly blog because I've been lacking the pictures lately. I swear I will make up for it!

Okay this is more for my post last week about how this doesn't feel like Europe, but more like Latin America. I meant to take more pictures of this.. so there are more to come. Doesn't it just have like.. a more Mexican vibe than European one? 

Ana doing some casual yard work outside hospice... she totally nailed it with her attire. 

Also completely forgot to post these from the other night in the country! Below is the whole fam squad and Rafii. Always a good night in Ialoveni.

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