Friday, July 3, 2015

Thoughts from Hospice Angelus's back corner office

I didn't come here to "find myself" or in search of some amazing self growth.
That wasn't really the goal. (Though I am never opposed to self development) I honestly just couldn't stand being stuck in Jenkintown (Literally one square mile where no one leaves, for more info I highly suggest the National Geographic article all about us..) working multiple job and doing the same old thing.
But about a month in I have become more and more reflective on what is really going on here. I honestly believe that this wouldn't have happened if I had done what I would have preferred to do --visit England, Ireland, France -- though I still would love to see those sights some day.
But I really think Moldova has brought something bigger out of me.
First of all, I know I said this before but never in a million years would I have though I would be spending my summer in this place, this remote, Eastern Europe country that most people- myself included have never even heard of. Secondly I would be spending it with three other (amazingly talented and interesting) Lehigh girls who I've probably crossed paths with millions of times at Lehigh, but didn't even know existed. Lastly, I'm learning about things I never knew existed or knew I was interested in. I have never been very interested in politics in American, but find the corrupt politics in this emerging country fascinating. Like qualifications for being prime minister are forged diplomas and history of bank fraud-- all good things right?!
Learning how to function abroad has been far more eye opening to me than I thought it would be. I feel as though I've relearned in some ways how to live -- in many senses.

Enough of that though, back to reality.
Last night was a lot of fun with making dinner and hanging out at Karina's apartment. Popping champagne for no good reason is always a good idea. When in Moldova right? Anyways it was a fun girls night in before a long weekend of the 4th. Saturday we plan on celebrating our Nation's holiday by first going to a Moldovan National fair. Ana (my red headed coworker) invited me because they had three extra seats in their car! The invite made me so happy, I really think that if Ana had like lived on my street growing up or down the hall in my dorm, we would have been very good friends. She is very silly, her English is amazing, and accent cracks me up.
We will make up for our unpatriotic celebration of Moldova on America's birthday but going to a barbecue that our marine friends are hosting at their house. Then later we plan on meeting up with some British friends of Lauren -- because what better way to celebrate with the fourth than to rub it in Britain's face, right? Definitely not the traditional 4th of July that I am used to, but that's what adventure is about right... doing things definitely.
Sunday we plan on decompressing from such a fun and busy fourth by going to a wine tasting! WE are just living the life here.. to all those haters scoffed at Moldova, I am curious if you are spending your fourth weekend with Marines, Brits, and an abundance of wine. I think not.
Anyways.. Cricova, and Moldova in general, take pride in their wines. I personally am a fan because what's not to like. It is very common for families to make home-made wine here, my host family kills it with the home-made wine (as well as with their home-made preservatives.You guys rock.)

It looks like it will be another busy weekend! Tonight we will celebrate Tante Luba, (my host family's great Aunt) 's birthday! Tante Luba is older and her husband is deceased, so to keep busy the my host family employs her to take care of the house and make dinner. She is a fabulous cook and absolutely the sweetest (though she speaks no English), so I am very happy to be celebrating her birthday with her and the family.

Hopefully I'll be able to update you all throughout the weekend on the festivities here in Moldova, but if not I hope you're all enjoying the forth as Americans do.

Woke up and had breakfast with Karina's crazy cat. 


Because of the lack of pictures I took on this busy Friday, here are some more of us being Moldovan flower children.

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