Saturday, July 11, 2015

Basic Betches and the BEST DAY EVER

I think Ana and Irka and the older sisters that I've always wanted. I found that being the oldest sister of eight, I subconsciously seek out older sister figures (shout out to Jen Fasy and Lacey Quinn for being the absolute best stands in) Here in Moldova, i've been so blessed to have someone as cool and fun as Ana take me under her wing not only at work, but also on the weekends. Her and her friend Irka are honestly so fun and silly, I want to pack them up in my suitcase and bring them to the U.S. (I'm not just saying that because they read my blog either--- I am seriously crazy about both of them.

Anyways Mikayla and I went to met the Ana and Irka for the free Engish-speaking Saturday morning Yoga sessions offered at the International Preschool. Ana gave me directions-- "and Look for the white building with the black gate, ring the door bell and an angry old Russian man will buzz you in. Sure enough after finding the building and ringing the bell, we waited to be let in. After a little while of waiting, we thought we might be in the wrong place. Literally as I was saying "There should be an angry Russian man..." the gate flung open and we were berated in harsh Russian. Yep, this is right! We found Ana who heard the guy scolding, and explained that he was saying "Stupid girls, don't even know how to ring the bell"... apparently we had rung the wrong one.
Ana then showed us the tiny bathroom which were so silly, see pictures below.
Yoga was really great, though I definitely struggled through it because it was "flow" and more fast moving than I was used to. It was much more enjoyable than the early morning six am yoga that is mandatory for Lehigh rowing. I think I prefer being awake when working out.. (ehemmm Coach Conely.. ehemm four am wakeups..)
I was surprised by the three men though joined in the middle of our yoga class, though one of them was literally cat calling Irka and I. Irka and I didn't even know what to make of it.. I honestly couldn't believe it, like seriously you came to yoga to pick up chicks. You're lame please leave, you're ruining our Zen.
After we got our Namaste, we went to eat at this adorable little french place, Creme de la Creme. The food was so amazing, as was the company. Irka and Ana are so funny together, they really crack me up. I still think it's wild how cross culturally, and even being such different ages and at different points in our lives we all click so well. Its amazing, I feel like I could have known the two of them forever. I just feel so blessed to have crossed paths with the two of them.
After lunch we met up with Inga to look around the market for traditional Moldovan goods. I love just walking around Chisinau and seeing everything. Then we returned home for some amazing home cooked cartofi (always the potatoes).
Tonight Mikayla and I are helping at an event for international students going to the U.S. in a few weeks. The event is held through American Councils, the group who help facilitate our Iacocca program, so it feels good to give back. Also I just would talk to really anyone in English at this point.
So a great day! One of the best days in Chisinau yet I think! I would elaborate more, but I'm in a rush!

The Tiny Tiny bathroom! 



Just enjoying the best day ever. 

The dessert is on fire. 

Irka was bummed we didn't bring marshmallows to roast on it.

Ana models her burning dessert. 

All the fancy coffee.

Aren't they just the cutest? Like who wouldn't want them to be your stand in big sisters?

We try to match their cuteness


I'll take everything.

Moldova just killing the game, per usual. 

1 comment:

  1. The tip of my nose is not red which means your Photoshop techniques are really ON FLEEK!!

    thanks Maddie for the sweet words - i feel the same :*
